Monday, July 14, 2008

'toons to the rescue!

Pearls Before Swine

I am so far from achieving my 10-pound-loss-before-posting goal that I am now officially amending it to a 12-pound-loss-before-posting rule.

Also, I am officially breaking it.

Just for a quickie I promise, and just because I really cannot shut up for too long a period of time before all my unresolved issues start building up in my brain tissue, sending subtle messages to my hypothalamus to start making more fat cells, which the hippcampus then transmits to the abdomen, which then hits the blubber ball out of the park. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

And speaking of science that anyone can just make up however they feel like, the Bush Administration on Friday rejected its own handpicked experts' conclusion that global warming poses a threat to the public welfare, effectively delaying action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions until Barack Obama takes office in January. This actually represents an improvement in the administrations previous methodology, which consisted (I kid you not) of simply refusing to open the EPA's emails until they revised their reccomendations according to White House demands.

Speaking anonymously and off the record, one senior official said only, "La La La La La La! I can't hear you!" while holding his hands over his ears and shutting his eyes really tightly.

Fortunately, there is something we the people can do, and it is something that takes little or no effort, involves absolutely no sacrifice on our part and could even result in the winning of fabulous prizes, which is the nationally preferred method of serving our country.

Choose your Science Idol!

On issues from air quality to global warming, government science
is being censored, manipulated, and distorted on an
unprecedented scale. To draw attention to this problem and have
a little fun, the Union of Concerned Scientists is hosting
Science Idol: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon

In April and May, they received hundreds of entries. In June,
UCS worked with four highly accomplished, award-winning
cartoonists and cartoon editors to narrow down the field to 12
talented finalists.

Now, all of us have the chance to vote for the 2007 Science
Idol--and win a 2008 Defending Science calendar featuring the
best 12 cartoons.

C'mon, go ahead and vote. Support your favorite cartoonist. It'll make their day, I promise. And it might even make yours.


Robbie said...

Yeah, um, you lost me at hypothamigajig, or some such. Perhaps using the dictionary as a handweight instead of reading it while on your break would do more to get you back to posting regularly. ...just a thought. :-p

Gigi said...

Can't post. Too fat. Too lazy. Must...lift...dictionary... ;D

neil said...

Imagine those government officials quoting my daughter who is quoting Bratz...La la la, I can't hear you, la la la, I'm not listening. I'm not kidding, it's two lines from one of their songs. Well, if actors can get high government positions, surely it can't be long before cartoon characters do the same. Homer for prez!!! Then we'd know for sure it was the woman behind the man that was really ruling.