Monday, August 18, 2008

spin a lazy web

Adrift in the summer doldrums, I have settled into a state of untroubled somnambulant reverie. All around me is hot. Dry. Spidery. The prettiest thing is my yard is this winsome crystal hammock, lit by the sun in the late hours of the afternoon. I should knock it down but I haven't the heart.

For today I am a Benevolent Garden Goddess ~ or garden gnome, as you may prefer. Weave me a web of spun glass, my tiny friend, and win my favor forever.

Or perhaps just for now. You know what they say about summer romance. And I, Benevolent Goddess of Sunday, have been known to turn careless or wrathful on Monday. Sleep well in your pretty silver hammock, and enjoy the sun today. Sooner or later, it's gonna rain.


Robbie said...

That tree would be missing a branch come rain or shine or Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, for that matter, if I were anywhere around. :-) Meee no likeee spiders.

It's hard to believe it is still summer. It doesn't feel like it so much any more. Go figure!

Sydney said...

Hey Gigi -- This was just a delight to read! Wonderful musings and wonderful pictures. I felt like I was standing right there in your yard.

neil said...

I love spider webs first thing in the morning when covered in dew. Evil child that I was, I used to catch insects and throw them into spider webs to see what happened next. I've mellowed somewhat and leave it to chance these days.

alphawoman said...

As I look at your "garden" I can't help but wonder wht happened to the rose thrashing next door neighbors?

Anonymous said...

Nudging you to post already!

Gigi said...

Hi Mary ~

I should update that; thanks for asking!

First, we put up a lovely 6 foot high privacy fence and took back our yard (brilliant!)

Then, the troublesome neighbors, as far as we can tell, divorced, (the husband's van disappeared, and a new Mercedes sports car-driving man came...and stayed).

Then, she and the kids and Mercedes man moved out and the house went up for rent. The new tenants, a young couple, are as quiet and invisible as church mice. We exchange the occasional wave, but they are rarely home. They have several expensive SUV's, a guard dog, two satellite dishes and a number of expensive doodads. They are infallibly polite and considerate. Clearly, they are drug dealers.

We love them.

Now for my confession, which must remain just between you and I forever, as it reflects quite badly on me.

We think our garden tormentors might have been rats. Literally. I actually saw some in the bushes very late one night, climbing and gnawing their way to the top. I'd never seen it before or nor again, and never even heard that rats would eat, bushes, trees, and virtually every plant-form in a garden, but I now suspect that we must have had a serious infestation at the time, and had had one for quite a while.

So the neighbors were rude. They were nasty. But they were not guilty. I am ashamed to say that we were. I am ashamed to say that we were worse by far. We allowed anger to become suspicion, which turned into paranoia and took control. We became the monsters in the garden. The neighbors from hell were us.

Sydney said...

Just checkin in as I do frequently. How's your September girl?

Robbie said...

No wonder you don't post that many blog entries! Your posting them in your comments. Dang! I really need to start subscribing to your comments, but I thought I did!

Hmmm...rats leave around same time as neighbors, perhaps you weren't all that paranoid. You were just blaming the wrong occupants. :-)