Wednesday, April 26, 2006

checking in and out

I promised myself I was only logging on today to print my boarding pass and nothing else. Okay, I thought, I'll just open the blog for a second; maybe just check in, maybe say hi.

No, I heard myself say, don't do it, you fool! You know what it leads to; you'll want to write, you'll open bloglines, you'll never get out! But as so often happens when I know better than to do something, I went ahead and did it anyway. Just to defy myself. You know, to prove who's boss. And now I'm already behind.

I'm taking off for Houston in the early AM and I've still got a million things to do ~ there's laundry to wash, packing to pack, closets to organize and bathrooms to clean. There are hydrangeas to plant and roses to be pruned. I believe that all these things must be done before I go because you never know what life will bring and what if I never come back? God forbid I leave poor Turk with disorganized closets and un-deadheaded roses. I want him to remember me well, as a woman who knew how to keep house and plant a garden. In spite of all prior evidence to the contrary.

All of this should have been done and I have tried to do it but life kept getting in the way, and I'd rather play with pals in Pasadena, where we saw a terrific little show of ukiyo-e by the way, and I really wanted to blog it because it was just so lovely, and there was this wonderful poem written by one of the geisha, but of course I didn't have a camera with me what with losing my mind and all and there isn't time now anyway because it's 3:40 I see and I gave myself 10 minutes to say hey(!) and now it's been 17 minutes and I still have to get to gym and lose 9 pounds so I fit into the good (read: skinny) jeans that are already packed. And the bathrooms still aren't clean and it looks like they won't be now, but you know what? Geisha don't clean bathrooms and neither do I. I choose to be Geisha.

Sayonara and a bientot!


Cynthia said...

That's it in a nutshell. Choose to be geisha. (I refuse to believe it's too late.) Enjoy your trip.

Paul said...

Back to Texas again? Are you and turk moving into the bunkhouse?

Anonymous said...


neil said...

You would be a wonderful Geisha. I know what you mean about blogging, I've just managed a whole weekend without opening up blogger.

Lisa :-] said...

Do you have fish tanks? The fish tanks should definitely be cleaned out before you leave town.

Have a good trip.