I awoke upon yesterday's bright and sunny New Year's morn, chillingly sober and frighteningly clear of eye, finding myself wanting to post but having nothing to say. Not that that's ever stopped me before.
But I don't make New Year's resolutions, believing change happens throughout the course of a year in accordance with each individual's needs and desires. Also, I never keep them anyway. I may be vowing to spend less time on the computer, (or at least arguing with it) but I can't seem to pull myself away from the keyboard long enough to frame the thought. It's a conundrum.
And not for me the ubiquitous Year-In-Retrospective-Blog. I find reading my own Pearls of Wisdom Past tedious in the extreme, and also slightly embarrassing, what with them being neither, you know, pearly nor wise. Merely past.
But Christmas is over; I have been dazzled by diamonds, and a trail of French perfume follows me wherever I go. (Truth be told, it also precedes me ~ I really love perfume.) Now it seems there is nothing left to do but to take down that sprig of rosemary I draped with lights and bells and called a tree (it's a Christmas miracle, Charlie Brown!) and eagerly anticipate the appearance of one more bouncing bauble ~ a new Wacom Bamboo Fun Graphics Tablet in Silver, Size Medium, Tracking number 11175872331!* Now, I realize that not everyone gets a Tracking Number for Christmas, but I do. It seems that Santa Turk, bless his great big Luddite heart, actually braved the joyful throngs at Best Buy to find what he says sounds like a Chinese, lead-filled toy for toddlers, but couldn't get the right size. So I now happily await the delivery of tons of Bamboo Fun.
And so help me Bill Gates, if the (Operating System That Shall Not Be Named) cannot handle all my Bamboo Fun, I will not be responsible for the consequences. And that's a resolution.
Happy New Year!
*may not be actual tracking number, actual tracking number having already been misplaced.
Happy New Year, Gigi. You'll always be an existentialist to me.
Have fun trying to mate your new toy with your new operating system...
And Happy New Year.
Santa Turk with his luddite heart is the real present. Every girl should have the action figure. If only there were more left on the shelves. Oh what is a girl to do!
Happy New Year!
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