Friday, November 25, 2005

now is the entry of my discontent

My new blog is pissing me off. Oh, I know what you're thinking. It's not the blog. It's her. She's an idiot. Always has been; why have we not noticed this before? Must have been the AOL beer goggles...

After all, how many times does one have to be told that no, silly, you cannot cut and paste from your old blog to the new one with fonts and everything intact. I tried it. Five times. And I can't get that picture out of my sidebar, even though I removed it from Profile. A hundred times.

If the definition of madness is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result, then I am really quite insane. Again, how long has this gone undetected? And why am I not being treated? Aren't there drugs? I'm sure there are drugs.

Please give me drugs.

I click here, I edit code there ~ which is hilarious because I have as much chance of deciphering code as I have of singing an opera in Mandarin Chinese ~ and nothing happens. I can't seem to save changes.

I'm not happy with the graphic placement thingy ~ you can't change your mind and cut and paste in another location; you have to keep uploading or something. But changing my mind is what I do. Constantly. Back and forth, back and forth ~ again, there's that whole repetition/insanity issue. And what if I want to place a graphic at the end, or within the body of the text? Because I do, you know. I really do.

I have much to learn, I know, and little patience with the process. I don't even understand bloglines, for the love of Gates. I am paralyzed by uncertainty, malcontent and abject whininess. I'm obsessive-compulsive about the way that things look. I want links; I want sidebar subtitles, I want a counter, I want more space for the toon.

Oh, and peace in the Middle East. I really want that, too. But first I want my space up and running and ready for it's close-up. How else can I pontificate about that no-doubt-just-around-the-corner peace? So call me Crazy. Or get me those drugs.


freeepeace said...

Hey girl. You can do all that you want...and more.

click and drag the photos to where ever you want when you're in "compose" mode.

To copy your AOL entries:

in your Journal
click "edit entry".
switch to html view.
select all

then go to your blog.
create new post
switch to "edit html" mode
switch back to "compose" mode.

it should appear as it does in your Journal. Or close to it.

Your sidebar picture is gone. So it seems it pays to go mad.


Cynthia said...

I gave up trying to copy the old blog over here. I just don't have the patience. I barely have the patience to create a hard copy of it. I'm just glad you're blogging, as frustrating as it may be.

Unhinged said...

I can't get that picture out of my sidebar, even though I removed it from Profile.

But Gi, that toony of you in the sidebar looks so good. Why do you want to remove it?!

I think you may have figured out what you needed to figure out, though, right? Because if memory serves, the toon in your profile was much smaller and this one is large and your nose is in the right place.

If the definition of madness is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result, then I am really quite insane.

You and me both. The html stuff is definitely frustrating. USE YOUR PREVIEW button. That's all I can say. Learn to love it and use it.

Better yet, create a test blog and play around in there.

I can't seem to save changes.

One of the things I noticed is that once I save the template, then republish the blog, I have to hit my Refresh key for the changes to show up. Maybe you need to do that, too.

I'm not happy with the graphic placement thingy ~ you can't change your mind and cut and paste in another location; you have to keep uploading or something.

Right--I noticed that myself.

Which is why I created a test blog. I upload my graphics/photos there so I can retain the url of the graphic.

I know there are other ways to do this, like if you have a Flickr account, or ... something bucket, or Hello or Picasa. But for now, this is how I do it.

Baby steps.

And what if I want to place a graphic at the end, or within the body of the text? Because I do, you know. I really do.

Like Trish mentioned, you can play around with the graphic when you're in the Compose mode of your Entry.

I am paralyzed by uncertainty, malcontent and abject whininess. I'm obsessive-compulsive about the way that things look.

Same here. It's frustrating as hell, I know.

... get me those drugs.

How about a martini? And a blogger day? But really, I think you're doing well. Next month (well, the month after that since the Holidays are here), you'll be a pro.


Robbie said...

Listen to Trish! Duhamn..not even I thought of that one. I think your site looks good on you. Well...there is that one polka-dot that is still out of place. ;-p

Paul said...

Gidge...sometimes the changes take a while to kick in, or you can't see them when everyone else can. Your comment in my journal was made before I could see the new entry.

Did Turk come over here too? Or...are...we.........alone.

Anonymous said...

Drink the damn martini already. Deperate times, and all.