Friday, November 18, 2005



It seems that in the process of moving something dreadful has happened to my face. It has gone all sad and melty looking, and suddenly I have no nose.

Why has my nose not made the transition from there to here?

What, I ask you, has happened to my face?


I really miss my nose.


freeepeace said...

Hola chica! Welcome to blogger. We're all just getting used to the new neighborhood. Let's have a tutorial session -- you lead us, okay? Thanks genius!

Cynthia said...

Gigi!!!! You're here! That merits a completely unsightly computer chair boogie. New link for my bloglines because I haven't figured out how to add links here yet.

Robbie said...

Dawling, this the Hollywood of Bloggerville. Noses will be provided. You don't mind plastic do you? Now the only decision is which era of Michael's would you like. :::hugs::: and welcome!