Monday, March 27, 2006

no mo mojo

I've been busy as hell lately and getting nowhere fast, much like the treadmill at the gym that I haven't been to in three weeks. It's the old cliche'; the hurrier I go the behinder I get, and I do mean that in the most literal, and unappealing sense.

And yet, through all the activity I've been oddly lacadaisical. Lethargic and dull-witted, I've been devoid of anything resembling a creative spark. Anxiety about the health and welfare of family members, as well as problems typical of homeownership and far too tedious to relate here have left me mentally competent but completely lacking in imagination. It seems I am missing that certain lightness of being required to write in a public forum.

It isn't that one need be cheerful to write, publicly or otherwise, of course; we write, paint and create as often from a place of darkness as light. Some would argue more so. It's just that any act of creation requires exertion and the blog form, where we ask virtual strangers to take a moment out of their busy lives to spend a moment or two in ours, demands a more measured sort of effort and energy than one intended for private use only. For some reason, I haven't been up to it.

I am, I suspect, only writing this much in order to try and lubricate the joints, as it were. I don't think it's working. Too few martinis and not enough yoga are making Lotus a dull girl.

Goodbye, joie de vivre. Hello, cabbage soup.

*graphic: Anne Taintor Inc.


Paul said...

Gidge, you KNOW I love you, but the font your using...the letters are so small that they are malformed on my laptop screen. As for getting behind, too much of a good thing can mean to much of a good thang.

Paul said...

"the font your using"? Did I really write that? Me?

neil said...

From a fellow blogger, I know just what you mean. There are days when I have no idea what to write about and then there are other days when stupid blogger dissolves my posts into nothingness. But I don't care I just write when I want to, that's what makes me happy. BTW I forgot to tell you that rocket is....stupid blogger, aragula.

Lisa :-] said...

This was worth reading just to witness Paul making a (gasp) grammatical error.

I have been in the same non-creative space, but am making myself write, because I have this stupid idea that I am a writer, and that is what I am meant to do whether I want to or not. The results have been...acceptable at best. But the process has been instructive...

Gigi said...

Paul ~ sorry about the font! I'm changing the style; let me know if it's still illegible. On my computer the "normal" size looks HUGE and I'm afraid to look like I'm yelling at people. I can't seem to get this font thing down at all.

'Tank' and Lisa ~ Writers' block or existential ennui? Who knows ~ but I guess everyone gets it now and then, like the flu. Or jury duty.

Thanks for the input, guys! :)

Cynthia said...

I've done more than one stretch the blog muscles entry lately. That's the challenge of keeping a "personal" rather than a themed blog. When your life gets too ordinary the blog can either go empty or get dull. Mine has reflected both.

alphawoman said...

We need to drink always makes life more exciting. Or more interesting.