I was playing in Photoshop and wanted to see if I could upload a .tga file in here in order to create an irregularly shaped image. The answer is no, I cannot. I did, however, waste an awful lot of time in my graphics files, which always annoys me because I should have been doing...well something anyway. And then my computer suddenly and for no reason at all except that it is what it is quit interfacing with my graphics pen tablet and well...I am just irritated, is all.
But I'd been rummaging around in my dresser drawers earlier and came across these old sketchbooks with a couple of watercolor portraits. I love doing portraits although I'm not impressively adept. But I practice, baby, practice. Which is precisely what I was trying to do when my pen quit on me (she whines unpleasantly, silly spoiled spawn of the 21st century.) Oh, woe is me ~ what would Degas have done? Or Van Gogh? Cut off another appendage and drawn in blood, no doubt. It's nothing a little absinthe wouldn't cure. So what the hell is wrong with me?
I'm sure I've got a pencil somewhere. A pencil with an eraser. Now if I could only locate a sharpener and some absinthe....
Hey, I thought you were lost in your online gaming addiction. Tammy?
When all is lost, lose yourself in alcohol, it has a wonderful way of dulling the pain. Maybe it's those green absinthe pixies who done stole your gear. S'pose you could go to a newsagent and bring in new supplies, but I'd love to know where all the missing pens and pencils of this world end up. I've just done a calculation - all the missing writing implements would be able to stretch to the moon and back several times...they might as well be on the moon when you can't find them.
Or, failing that, charcoal and pernod.
I have done two watercolor pictures. one of my rocking chair, and another of a boat in the water. neither one, came out exactly as planned. But, that's art for ya, baby. sometimes it creates you.
I think your pictures look GREAT,
btw. perspective, mrs. gigi. :)
And a great glass of wine is my preferred choice of pen. :P
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