Monday, January 01, 2007

happy national hangover day!

Today's festivities will include lolling around on the couch and searching for something soothingly side-splitting on You Tube. There will be unfocused noshing on butter cookies and leftover pizza, and maybe even a little ceremonial hair of the dog, should there be any left to be had, that is. One is never sure.

For those of you participating in the holiday, welcome, and my condolences. For those of you not indulging today because you didn't indulge last night, kudos to you. Here's your medal; now kindly move along. Your saintly wholesomeness holds no power here. Today is the high holy day of the dissolute and irresolute. Leave us in peace please, to observe the day in our own way. Don't you have some resolutions to go embroider on a pillow somewhere?

Actually, thanks to the magic of milk thistle and alka seltzer, I am feeling remarkably clear-eyed and well-focused. I may even go to the gym. Or I may even still be drunk. Whatever it is, I am feeling so optimistic that I believe I'll even finish a painting today. (Not Mom's portrait, of course; she whom I have tormented lo this weekend long. I just can't....seem to leave it...alone...)

No, this one is just a sketch, started a while ago but never completed. There's a resolution ~ this year I will finish everything I started last year. And the year before. And the year before that. Then I will go on eBay and sell it all at Sotheby's prices to people named kikitoon and ilvmermaids56. I shall become rich and eBay-painterly famous. And I will use my powers for good, and never evil.

Dammit. That felt like a resolution. Now I have a pillow to go embroider. Later.


Lisa :-] said...

:D Happy New Year, Gigi! :-]

Robbie said...

Happy New Year to you, my friend.

:::rummaging for embroidery floss to lend yah:::

Cynthia said...

Happy New Year!Since Robbie's looking for the floss, I'll toss in the embroidery hoop. Doesn't it just kill you how those freaking resolutions just sneak up on you?

Wil said...

I offer my own version of a hangover cure here. BTW, if you ever do decide to put your paintings up on eBay, make mention of it so some of your cyber-admirers may bid against the rich and the famous and drive up the price...

"pfuff": belly button lint that has migrated South of the Border.

Wil said...

PS -- that "pfuffs" thingy is from the word verification box below the comment entry... It's a harmless game to provide definitions for the jumble of letters provided.

"OBFPS" -- Acronym for "Office of Bare Fannies, Pudendum and Such-like"

alphawoman said...

Dany more time (try) (I hate those word verification thingies!!) Happy New Year Gigi, baby!