Wednesday, January 03, 2007

why I love the French

And it's not just their incredible style, their love of scarves and tiny dogs or their habit of sweetly switching to English whenever I try to converse with them in their native tongue. It's also about things like this (from the local paper):

In a parody of a national proclivity for protest, hundreds of marchers in France spent New Year's Eve demonstrating against 2007. During a lighthearted protest, participants waved banners reading: No to 2007 ! and Now is Better!!"

See, that just tickles me. Who says the French have no sense of humor? Or too much time on their hands?

And just now on NPR, commentator Terry Gross was talking to a woman about the so-called French paradox, which refers to the fact that, despite a steady diet of coq au vin, boeuf bourguignon, butter and baguettes, red wine and cigarettes (there's an Edith Piaf song in there somewhere) the French remain a relatively svelte people. It's all about balance and proportion, apparently. Quelle surprise! They eat less, take longer to do it and enjoy it more.

Of course I've known about this, this 'balance' thing, for a long time now and try to practice it but tend to forget, indulge more, moderate less and just plain get lazy. The past month it's been all butter and baguettes, followed by the occasional penitential trip to the gym for six sweaty hours of self-flagellation on the treadmill. It isn't pretty. It isn't effective. And it isn't an approach Catherine Deneuve would approve (there's a limerick in there somewhere.)

Evidemment, what I need to do is to start thinking in French. Like the French. With an accent perhaps, and an air of world-weary sophistication. God knows I can't spell in it. As long as I don't try to speak it.

I'm off. To the gym. Moderately.


Paul said...

Creme brulee. Whatever else they do is inconsequential.

Anonymous said...


And they hate us, the Americans. Because we have no style, can't speak French, eat garbage in great quantities and put wine in boxes. Besides which, that which America exports as "art" or "culture" is crap like Madonna and Jerry Lewis, yet we consider ourselves to be the center of the universe. All of which are completely acceptable reasons to hate us.

I, too, adore the French. And if I could make that wonderful noise of derision which all French women (especially the Parisiennes) make? I would be a very happy woman.

Lisa :-] said...

Spelling? Not so much...

If we Americans could remember how to have meals rather than just stuff our faces, we would be money ahead, even if it didn't improve our waistlines...

Robbie said...

Ooohlala mon cherie.

Hahahaha. If you could see my Netflix queue, you would die. I've packed it full of learn French now videos. I'm :::crossing fingers:::: going there in April if the planets align just right. :-))))))

Cynthia said...

Don't forget to light a Gauloise. Defense de fumer, mon derriere!

Paul said...

Baguettes all covered with butter
Caused Gigi’s thighs to shudder
She got herself sweaty
And gave up spaghetti
But “Mon Dieu!” Catherine Deneuve would utter.