Monday, August 06, 2007

dropping in to say hey

I'm not sure that graphic will be big enough to see so here's a link. I can never seem to get anything large enough in here. Don't know why. But I love The Woman Who's Easily Peeved ~ why, it's practically like looking in the mirror. Nicole Hollander is my hero. She draws all my rants so I don't have to ~ what a time saver! And gives me a bigger laugh than I deserve in the process. Brilliant.

A few months ago I had an idea that it might be fun to try an experiment. I wanted to see if I could discipline myself enough to write a post everyday.

It didn't have to be big, or good, or illustrated. Just a wee poor thing, if that be all, but at least a nod. A nod to the blog.

Regardless of how busy or how rushed I was. Without consideration of form, subject, punctuation or prose.

No matter how inane or trivial the topic. Heedless of how clever or dull-witted I felt ~ drunk or sober, I would write. Something. Anything.

I think it's going well so far.


Cynthia said...

I think you're doing marvelously with the every day posting. It's only been two weeks since your last one.

Robbie said...

I've tried to make that same commitment and failed miserably. How's it working for you? Will you give us the link to the blog that you are posting to? ;-)

Paul said...

I've come to the conclusion that for many bloggers, the quantity of posts is in inverse proportion to their quality. You are destined to remain the undiscovered genius of the medium.