Wednesday, January 07, 2009

day 3

Ha! Just made it.

Breakfast: black coffee

1 apple 60

Lunch: 2 celery stalks 10

1/2 tsp. Trader Joe's Red Pepper sauce 10

subtotal 80 calories

Dinner: Big salad:

lettuce 45
black olives 140
w/oil 90
1/2 cup Gorgonzola 400 (?!) Really? looked it up; had no idea. Bugger.
2 tbs dressing 40

1/2 cup homemade pasta sauce snuck from Hub's plate during preparation 65
it was delicious

780 calories subtotal total

daily total: 860 calories


elliptical machine: 5.92 miles

treadmill: 2.36 miles

8.28 miles total

(also; arm machines)


net weight gain/loss: -3 lbs.

Again, just water weight. Still don't care. Still claimin' it.


Sydney said...

Hi G--

Rock on for day three! Can you please please take pity on your bloggy pal here and tell me HOW you get the motivation to eat an apple and nothing more til lunch, then have 2 celery stalks and not eat the entire apartment by dinner time? Do you have amazing will power? Are you drinking tons of fluid? Do you have a way to keep incredibly busy? Can you sleep through hunger pangs? These are all the things I run into and would love to know how it's done.

I did precor yesterday and will get on the treadmill today. It does not burn enough, but it is better than nothing!

Gigi said...

Hey Syd! I do have a surprising amount of willpower, as it turns out, and I do drink a lot of water. I'm done this diet before, so I know what to expect. And it helps that I'm always busy and never bored when I'm home ~ there's always work to be done, or projects calling. I'm really lucky that way.

Funny you should mention hunger pains ~ that first night I barely got any sleep! But I knew my hunger was self-inflicted, and all I could think of was all the people in the world whose hunger was not. Well, that and cheeseburgers. ;) But the pains subside after a few days, really.

Have you got a gym in your condo complex? Getting there is the hardest thing, I've found. :(